Joelle Delbourgo

Montclair, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

What is your job title or description?
President. I represent authors, develop & sell literary properties.
Company Name
Joelle Delbourgo Associates
Your website
Business affiliations
AAR (Association of Author's Representatives)
Brag about yourself - what makes you great at what you do?
I have a deep insider knowledge of the publishing industry, based on experience as an editor and senior executive at major NY houses (Random House, Harper), as well as over a decade as an entrepreneur who founded and developed a literary agency representing over 100 clients.
I'm passionate about bringing new ideas and experiences to readers in as many different forms and languages, and through as many channels as possible.
I'm a fierce advocate for my clients. I have vision and guts, and balance well the creative and business aspects of my profession. I am an excellent partner and am always looking for the silver lining, i.e. the new opportunities.
What types of business contacts are you looking to make?
I already have unparalleled contacts in my own field. But I'm interested in synergy with others, not just in publishing and media. I'm also always looking for new writers, as well as thinkers, experts, even companies who have something exciting to say, and who could be authors.
I'm also interested in consulting opportunities.

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