Michael Rosen


Hallandale, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your job title or description?
IT Specialist
Business affiliations
Jewish Organization(s) (past and present)
LinkedIn Address
Twitter Address (begin with https://twitter.com)
Brag about yourself - what makes you great at what you do?
As an energetic and seasoned IT Specialist, I am applying my knowledge and skills in the area of Applications Implementation and Software Integration in both the Unix and Linux environments.  The most rewarding challenges I undertook were the System Builds for NOAA { National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration };
Structuring of Citigroup’s South Americas Websites; The Solaris Communications Suite Project at Nassau Community College, and the POC of the SAS Grid at the US Census Bureau.  In those endeavors, I was instrumental in securing the knowledge base, the software tools and implementing and configuring those applications on board and conducting subsequent testing and continuing support.
I find satisfaction in being a `team player`, joining forces and combining various expertise’s in the completion of the enterprise at hand
What types of business contacts are you looking to make?
IT Systems Support/Builds/Administration ; E-Commerce

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