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Get the Big O: ORGANIZED! 7 Steps to Achieving Calm, Clarity, and Control in Your Space, Mind - and Life!

Something in your life isn’t working.

You may be feeling like life is spiraling out of control. Everyone else seems to have their act together, but you feel like you’re walking around with brain fog, you can’t focus, you have tangled thoughts swirling around in your head 24/7, and you feel like you’ve been wound up and you can’t stop moving.

As a result, you have stuff piled up all over the house or office, you can’t find something once you put it down, you forget appointments or double book yourself, there are things in the fridge that have been there so long they have grandchildren, and you have no idea if you paid the mortgage last month.

You haven’t had a sex life in ages because your partner can’t stand the clutter any longer, so they travel or work late all the time. Your boss may be fed up with giving you extensions on due dates for projects because you can’t finish one thing before starting another. Your sister lets your calls go to voicemail because she gets exhausted from listening to you jump from one topic to another in the space of one breath.

Your life may not be this extreme, but you’re not happy with the way things are, and you feel that being more organized will help. You’re right.

This book will show you how.

It will take you through a simple seven-step process to organize anything:

Even relationships!

The author draws on multiple decades of real-life scenarios from working with clients living with Chronic Disorganization, as well as the brain science behind getting organized.

This book will teach you not just the mechanics of how to organize but also how to tap into your core values, strengths, and talents to create organizing systems that work for you.

The result is the life of calm, clarity, and control you crave.

Get the Big O: Organized! is not just another “get organized in seven simple steps” book. It addresses the mental health aspects of organizing and delves into how getting organized is an act of self-care, offering real change and promising a life of more Calm, Clarity, and Control.

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