5 members
18 members
Yes, I'm trying to conduct my own survey locally to test the stats.Where do you see your and family living in the next 5-7 years? If less than 5 years you're planning to move please note that…Continue
Started Dec 21, 2014
May 15, 2025 from 5:15pm to 6:30pm – Location will be shared closer to the date
Thank you for reaching out, that was very nice. I actually don't live in West Orange, I work in West Orange, but I did grow up in West Orange.
I'm happy to meet you and hopefully in person real soon. Please let me know when the next women's group is meeting I'll see if I can make it.
Thanks again for reaching out,
Marcy Gross
Congratulations Susan,
Please go to my page and watch the videos if you like to featured in our BizNess magazine in early spring please let me know.