Have you outgrown your operating methods with lower revenue proving the point? Has management in one or several areas of the company been compromised by lack of attention? Is “the way we have always done it” no longer the best way to do it? Or, is the leader going through the motions and relying on old perspectives that plague so many companies?
The laws of promotion command that whatever you say must be the truth. Really living by the brand promise requires walking the walk in every action you take. This always “on,” customer-centric perspective is critical for success today. But, the magnitude of cultural shift required for real improvement can be tough for an organization. This is especially true where the firm has always functioned with more of an internal orientation.
You can do better
Smaller businesses in legacy industries need to move beyond surviving, which is a worn-out concept that saps everyone’s energy. The future for companies in traditional industries is process driven on all fronts. Although not likely to take that one revolutionary gamble that significantly shifts the field, or switch to developing smart phone apps, small businesses can rise when the culture is refreshed.
Conditioning the inside of the business can have a profound effect on profits, customer satisfaction, easing interpersonal challenges and reducing owner fatigue. Changing a culture is a top down undertaking that will challenge most small business owners and business consultants alike. Improving methods in a small business environment is a delicate process that is best served by a mix of skills including planning, management skill improvement, operational metrics, marketing systems and more.
Sustain your company’s future
One way of conditioning for a sustainable future might involve a temporary “partnership” with a highly capable and trusted small business expert. The unequaled experience gained from assisting over 100 businesses to grow, start up, turnaround or rebrand themselves offers my interim CEO clients the opportunity to transition their companies for a more significant future.
If your business has less than 50 employees, and is struggling with today’s competitive challenges my firm could change that reality. If you know a company that is underperforming or exhibits dysfunctional behaviors, consider forwarding this article now.
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